Weird Ways to Defeat Creative Block

Every person's greatest asset, regardless of job description, is their imagination. This is just as true for account executives, sales managers, and general managers as it is for writers and producers. 

That means we're all vulnerable to occasional fits of creative block. 

Whenever I find myself in brain drought, here are some weird ways I've applied to help me overcome those barriers

1) Get in a cuss fight with the inner critics.

The same fertile garden that helps flourish ideas also nurtures mental kudzu and fire ants. They're called the inner circle of critics. These nasty little nimrods do not offer solutions. They're there to demean our work. They say things like "it'll never work. It's not perfect," and even "boy, you sure do suck at this." 

Silence these by treating them as an invader to your home. Go ahead and mentally cuss them all like dogs. Let them know right then and there, they are not welcome. It's your mind, not theirs. 

2) Reboot awareness of your five senses.

We're all leashed to electronic devices; handhelds, PC's, laptops, and  iPads. They were designed to help productivity. Yet, they can easily dull the theater of the mind. Take one hour per week without any electronic device. Go to a fish market. Let the pungent smell consume you. Focus only on that sensation. Or head to the perfume and cologne counter at a department store. Do the same there. 

Attain a paint store swatch. Search the various colors and find one that appeals to you most. Imagine the colors in different rooms of your home. Making time to read a good book is also very helpful.

Listen to music you've never heard before -especially if it's weird or off-the-wall. 

Spend a good thirty to forty-five minutes petting your dog or cat. If you don't have one, go to your local pet rescue or Humane Society and ask if you can spend time with one of the pets. 

By refamiliarizing ourselves with our senses, it's like hitting reboot. It awakens the mind's awareness of these sensations. They live on in our memories. And they change the light bulb in our mental theater's projector.

3) Go get ice cream.

This breaks routine. Routine is good for structure, but needs the occasional jolt, especially when it's an indulgence. 

4) Intentionally screw something up. 

Allow yourself to break something. It can be a rule (provided it doesn't harm others) or a a dinner plate. Then, clean up the mess and just walk away. After doing this a few times, you're learning to forgive yourself. You know intellectually that it's ok to make mistakes. But now you're learning to feel it is. This is very helpful in overcoming creative block. What we do is both emotional as well as intellectual. Once we feel it's okay to make mistakes, we're more apt to keep creating regardless of outcome. 

After all, a body in motion tends to stay in motion.

These ideas may seem contrary to adult behavior. By nature, we're all planners and strategic thinkers. We're told from a very young age, think before you act. But sometimes, creative block can be due to too much thinking and worrying.

I'm always here to help. Reach out to me anytime.

Mike -The Reel Architect. 


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