Hearing is Believing.

Why the push for more spec spots?

The answer is simple.

Hearing is believing.

We are an industry of intangibles. Our product has no physical dimensions. It can’t be looked at or held in one’s hand.

When making a presentation to a client, that spec spot makes it easier to close the deal –if it’s done right.

It’s easy to frame the spec spot strategy as strictly a numbers game, the more specs dispersed, the greater chance some will close. However, that’s far from the case.

We really do look at closing ratio.

By now, you’re familiar with the Creative Services Order Form. It’s a discovery outline that helps us find out what that perspective client needs, who their competition is, how do we position them, and mot important, how does their brand improve the target’s quality of life.

When this research is done, it reassures the perspective client that we’ve done our homework. We’ve investigated what they need and what are the most feasible solutions in helping them attain their goals.

The spec spot is an opportunity to showcase Summit talent and creativity. It helps place a good emotion on our brand as we are attaching one to theirs.

And in several occasions, we’ve seen that an outstanding spec spot can lessen sticker shock. This helps protect our rates. And it makes it easier to retain that client.

We all believe in the power of our medium. It enjoys great reach. It remains one of the most effective advertising vehicles. And it’s one of the most feasible.

In a day and age of digital campaigns with sparking visuals, an outstanding spec spot will almost always make a new client a believer in radio.

I’m always here for you with any assistance you need in idea and strategy creation.


Mike -The Reel Architect.





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